Phone: 865-992-3867 | garnet.southerland@tn.gov
4335 Maynardville Hwy, Maynardville, TN 37807
The Union County Health Department offers a variety of services to the community. Through these services, health professionals work to prevent and control the spread of disease and promote public health awareness. Services are available to people of all ages from every economic background. Most services are provided on a sliding fee schedule determined by income and family size. Confidentiality is maintained for all services.
Our Mission is to protect, promote and improve the health and prosperity of people in Tennessee.

Important Info
All courthouse offices are open Monday-Friday from 8:00am-4:00pm
The Union County Clerk is open on Saturday from 9:00am-12:00pm
Birth and Death Certificates
Persons born in Tennessee may obtain a certified copy of birth. Certified copies of death certificates can be obtained through the registrar on any working day. A fee is charged for copies of birth and death certificates. Paternity acknowledgement for the birth certificate can be obtained also.
Well Child Check- ups (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment, or EPSD&T service.
Every Child (under 21) who is eligible for TennCare can receive EPSD&T Services. A child can be eligible for TennCare through Medicaid or through the uninsured or uninsurable guidelines. Screening includes physical exam, hearing test, eye test, nutrition check, growth and development exam, necessary blood and lab test, and dental referral. Federal law requires all children under 21 years of age who receive Medicaid or TennCare benefits have access to EPSD&T screenings.
Family Planning
Services include counseling, pelvic and breast exams, pap tests, education on self-care, contraceptive supplies, sexually transmitted infection (STI) counseling, and treatment. All services are always confidential for everyone, including teens.
All necessary childhood immunizations are provided as well as Tetanus/Diphtheria , Pneumonia, Hepatitis B, and Influenza (flu) vaccines for adults.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screenings
Women ages 18-64, who are uninsured or underinsured, and who meet income and screening program guidelines receive breast and cervical cancer screening services. The program offers clinical breast exams, pap smears, and mammography for those at risk of breast and/or cervical cancer.
Communicable Disease Services
Education, investigation, testing, diagnosis, treatment and referral are provided to prevent the spread of communicable disease such as Hepatitis, STI’s, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, food borne illnesses and other state required reportable diseases.
Health Education
A health educator is available to provide educational services and programs to patients, schools, and community groups upon request. This program promotes partnerships with local agencies to encourage healthy lifestyles and disease prevention.
Care Coordination
Care coordination addresses gaps in clients’ medical, social, developmental, behavioral, educational, support system and financial needs to improve health and wellness outcomes. Clients include pregnant and post-partum women, children 5 years and younger, children (birth to 20 years) covered by TennCare and children and youth (birth to 21 years) with special health care needs.
Prenatal Services
Services include pregnancy screening, assistance with applying for temporary TennCare privileges, counseling and referral to an OB physician.
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
WIC is a Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children. Pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to five years of age, who meet income guidelines and have a documented medical or nutritional need are eligible. Individuals who receive food stamps, AFDC, or who are TennCare insured are income eligible for WIC. When a person is enrolled in the WIC program, they receive an EBT card to buy certain foods including cheese, milk, juices, eggs, peanut butter, iron fortified cereals, dried or canned beans, canned fish, fruits and vegetables, whole wheat bread, and iron fortified formula for infants who are not breastfed.
General Environmental Health
Provides inspection, consultation and plan review of food service establishments, hotels, child care facilities, swimming pools, campsites, bed and breakfast facilities, correctional facilities, tattoo parlors and rabies control program, and investigates environmental complaints.
Motor Voter Program
Obtain voter registration forms and assistance in completing forms at the Union County Health Department.
Information of Fees Structure and Appointments
A fee may be required for some services. Charges are based on the Tennessee Department of Health Fee-for-Services policy. Charges may be adjusted based on family income. TennCare and private insurances are accepted. WIC requires written documentation of income. All services are strictly confidential. Interpreter services are also available. For further information on services and scheduling appointments call the Union County Health Department at 865.992.3867.